​Step 1: DUPR Match Sessions
​Dink City Pickleball is excited to offer opportunities for individuals to build their official rating
through DUPR, a free pickleball rating system. To join our DUPR Match Sessions, you must first
create a free DUPR account and join Dink City Pickleball by simply downloading the app (link
below). Then, sign up for a DUPR Match Session through Court Reserve based on either a self
rating or a current DUPR rating. An official rating is not required to play in these DUPR Match
During DUPR Match Sessions, players are expected to record all matches in the DUPR app.
After about 10 matches are logged on your profile, you will receive an official DUPR rating. You
will then get entered into a restricted rating group that will then allow you to register for our
Official Rated Play.
Learn more about DUPR (and find the links to the app store) HERE.
Step 2: Official Rated Play
Once you have logged about 10 matches through our Match Sessions, you are now ready to
join our Official Rated Play! This is essentially an open play for players within your specific rating
group, allowing for more quality controlled play and for each of you to continue to build your
DUPR scores. Dink City Pickleball staff check DUPR ratings and update the specified member
groups weekly in the case that players move to another level bracket.